When it comes to dentistry, a dental practice must stay up to date regarding all the latest technologies used in the dental field to improve a patient’s experience and ensure quality restorations. The Williams Family and Cosmetic Dentistry team has invested in technology such as the iTero machine to make this process seamless and easy! The iTero scanners 5D eliminates the need for traditional impressions when creating molds for crowns, bridges, and even Invisalign aligner trays using digital 5D technology.

What are the benefits of the iTero scanners 5D?

Dr. Williams has invested in the practice to provide patients this state-of-the-art equipment that makes your next trip comfortable, fast and ensures accurate, precision fit of dental restorations. Some of the advantages of the iTero element 5D scanner imaging system include:

  • Elimination of messy impression materials
  • No unpleasant experience in the dental chair while creating molds.
  • Use of 5D digital scans that provide onscreen images immediately.
  • Speeding up the process of obtaining Invisalign aligner trays.
  • Ensuring accurate and precision fit of bridges, crowns, implants, aligner trays, and retainers.
  • Elimination of requiring additional impressions due to errors.

What makes the iTero element 5D scanner imaging different?

The iTero 5D has other functions, including the Invisalign outcome simulator. That allows the dentist to offer a simulation of one’s Invisalign outcome in a matter of seconds. Additionally, it uses NIRI, or “near-infrared imaging,” to detect interproximal caries. With this device, the dentist also has time-lapse technology, which allows for a comparison of a patient’s bite over the years after treatments while monitoring for wear that can occur over the years.

Are you interested in a dental practice with advanced technologies?

Forget messy impressions and have a more enjoyable experience with Dr. Williams in Brandon, Florida. At Williams Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we strive to provide quality care by integrating today’s latest modalities. If you want to learn more about how the iTero 5D machine can make your next visit a pleasant one, call the office at (813) 560-0447 to request a consultation visit at 510 Vonderburg Drive, Ste. #211. Our team is open to both new and established patients and families in the community seeking the best care in the area.

iTero Scan at Williams Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
Improve your dental health with iTero scan in Brandon, FL. Our digital format helps explain the treatment your teeth might require. Book now to complete your smile. Watch the video to learn more.

Hi, my name is Dr. Trevor Williams, and I want to tell you a little about our iTero scan.

We utilize this a lot in the office now, and we can see your teeth like we’ve never seen it before.

We can see how your teeth are meeting in a digital format, which helps explain the treatment your teeth might require.

A couple of ways that we utilize ouriTero is, we utilize it for fabricating our dental crowns, so now we no longer need to use an analog impression to fabricate those crowns.

We send a digital model of the tooth off to the lab to have the crown fabricated.

We could also utilize iTero for Invisalign clear aligners therapy. The best way we can utilize iTero is to compare your digital teeth over a span of time.

What that allows us to do is compare where teeth are either being worn down or how your gums might be changing or receding over time. That allows us to determine the best course of treatment.

Call us today to complete your smile.